So at the risk of sounding like some self-absorbed emo botard, I'm feeling a bit frumpy. Fat, even - and I know I'm not so there's no need to spell it out. But I've had zero time for the gym for the past month, and I'm always on the go - it translates to a lot of caloric intake. I ate a whole California Pizza Kitchen lunch pizza yesterday, plus a couple slices. Treading dangerous waters here folks.
I'm thinking I'll be able to start the healing process this weekend, at our staff retreat. It's off at some resort called "Turf Valley," in Ellicott City. I'm fairly certain my office is going to be the Blackest thing that has ever come within ten-thousand yards of the place. True to form, I plan on getting blackout drunk after our Friday team-building sessions and hitting on as many rich white girls as possible. Maybe I'll find a Sugar Mama to pay for those $600 tires I need for my car.
Now for the socially redeeming portion of this post - two separate friends approached me yesterday about co-founding two different non-profits with them. One would be a Film Production venture for HS students interested in film-making - the second would be a more generalized assistance program for grade school youth. Let's talk about how floored i was at being considered for such an undertaking...obviously, I couldn't say no to either. So, I'll keep you posted. As both progress (which will be rather quickly) I will post updates on job opportunities and the like.
Lastly - I'm still waiting on my Probationary Member packet from
Bethesda-Chevy Chase rescue squad. I got voted in Monday night, and I'm a huge whacker and have been waiting on pins & needles for this stupid thing to arrive. I've been dying to get back on a rig...and these people have the coolest rigs and rescues in the area.