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Sep 13, 2030 20:14

Hullo. Nice of you to drop by! This LJ is partly friends only. 

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queroli September 25 2010, 01:50:10 UTC
UH. Late reply. I was camping out at someone else's house aaand could not think of any remotely interesting answers to your fantastic questions. D:

Don't worry, my brain tends to remember those sort of silly things too, but never anything especially helpful. Pfft. Hehe, I think I kept a few of my old icons. Like the Hibird one - I always associate it with you. :D

1. Pots and pans? They'll probably die from anything I try to cook. Y-yeah.
2. I don't know, some old book I found at a second hand place - it looks like something my grandfather would read. xD Sun and the Dragon by Christopher Nicole. Um, I seem to be listening to Fairytale a lot recently. It's just so... for the lack of a better word, sad. ;;
3. Power to speak and understand a million languages?! That doesn't count does it. Ability to teleport at will would be handy too, haha.
4. Probably in uni, studying something I end up disliking, and staying up for ungodly hours in the morning. Not really any different to now, actually.
5. Naruto, FMA, Avatar the Last Airbender but I LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT LOTS OF OTHER STUFF TOO. (Please convert me to Hetalia-...ism?) 'D

Do I get to ask you questions now? ;D


space_butt September 26 2010, 00:14:27 UTC
LOL don't worry, I have hardly any time to lurk online anymore. Uni fresher's week has taken over my life. :c (I thought long and hard about those questions! I'm glad you appreciate them.)

Awww. I'm still into KHR but a lot of things in the manga have been infuriating me and it's not the same anymore. I still love all the characters though ~ <3

1. Hahaha well I was reading an article somewhere that was saying that a zombie invasion would actually be useless because they'd just rot. Some people would get turned... but not enough for the entire earth to die. /shrug. So my question is useless.
2. Just watching the vid now. ;A; Crying forever. Do you know where I can get the piano music for that, it's gorgeous.
3. Ahhh that'd be nice. (But I hardly talk to enough people who speak English so even if I knew Danish or Chinese, I'd still be super awkward.
4. I'm doing that right now, but I still kind of like what I'm studying. Maybe I am you. In the future. /stare
5. Still into Naruto? I have to confess that I actually don't know what's going on anymore. I want to watch more Avatar but no timeeee. FMA breaks my heart whenever I think about it. I can't believe it's over. (LOL I'LL TRY. I'll be posting a lot of fic here I think. I don't really know how to convert people. OTL. If you have questions about it, then fire away!)

I. Love. Questions.


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