"lift!" "i can't!" "you HAVE to!" *oOoF!*

Dec 18, 2006 11:14

Our stuff finally arrived from Toronto! We'd used one of those "you-pack-it-we-ship-it" services, so on Friday we had to collect our stuff from a storage yard in Richmond. This meant renting a 1-TON truck, Tim not shaving for a week and us blasting Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Truck-Driving Man" on the stereo while we vroomed across the city. All of our friends were busy this weekend, so it was just the two of us, moving boxes of books, bike parts, clothes, CDs, records, misc. furniture (including a big heavy couch), and the world's heaviest TV, up three flights of stairs. It took us 12 hours, till our muscles were failing and neither of us could breathe anymore - but we've finally moved in f'real.

Note to self: next time you have to move - do NOT go tarzan-swinging at the local pool the night before. My arms are so sore, I can't even lift them to drink any water. We spent the rest of the weekend sitting on the couch, ordering pizza and playing Zelda on Gamecube.
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