Oh, the chaos of late! Ups, downs, and sidewayzez - my yogic training comes in handy whatever I do...
My flight is nosing closer and closer. Realized just how close when I met up with ms.
sariska today for tea. She's on her way to a
Vipassana retreat, and when she arrives home, I will already be on a flight out west. Biking home from seeing her, and I found myself fighting my first round of real sadness. It's all happening so quickly! To not see my little fuzzheaded monster for a whole year or more? Sad :( ... very sad. The adventure part is endlessly exciting; it's just the goodbyes I'm struggling with. My one-way ticket sits on my desk... staring at me, urging me to start putting everything I own into boxes. Tomorrow I stop stalling and get cracking!! Oh, procrastibotz!
Kimba found a new roomie to take my place in the house, though the hunt was tough! People kept arriving at the front door, and she'd look at them and say "sorry, but your hair just isn't pooofy enough." Silly kimbas! My sister, my soulmate, my best friend. Living with her has been absolutely amazing - cooking dates, morning monkey singing, late-night hookah smoking; everyone should have their own Kimba :)
Last weekend was pretty rough... I spent Saturday night in the ER for what I thought was a hypoglycemic attack, but might have been food poisoning or a viral infection. Hooray for Ontario healthcare, I still haven't gotten my labwork back yet. Building my stomach back up to solid foods, slow but steady... I never want to throw up again! :/
In other news, I re-certified myself in first aid/CPR yesterday. Was signed up to take a 4-day Wilderness first aid course next week, but it was cancelled for low enrollment. Disappointed I yam, but the extra time in the middle of packing up all my stuff sure is nice!