In less than 10 hours, my ears will be melting in an explosion of live QOTSA goodness... the excitement is almost killing me. I've been on a consistent QOTSA/Kyuss diet for the last year n' a half solid - everyday at least an hour (usually closer to three) to satiate my inner rawker... so the idea of a live show is wrecking havoc on my nervous system :/ For frig's sake, QOTSA is the band that pushed TOOL into the background of my listening landscape! Helps that the rawker monkeys I'm going with are equally 'cited, otherwise I'd be worried that I have an over-excitement problem... seriously, my tummy is aching and I've been bouncing in my chair all day :P
edit: even my MOM is excited! I just got the cutest email from her entitled "just," that read: "Wanted to wish you a wonderful evening, enjoy the concert. Really, really enjoy it :)"