Feb 04, 2008 12:09
ok, i am officially scared out of my mind. i have been super dizzy for the last few months and it has gotten worse in the last few weeks. so, i finally sucked it up and went to the doctor. she asked me questions and did some preliminary tests, then decided to have me go for bloodwork. i have been tested for diabetes before and was scared that's what it was. well, dr. wren called me this morning and told me my blood sugar is fine. as is my bad cholesterol; she wants to to raise my good cholesterol with regular exercise, which i need since i'm a fatty anyway. well, she took me off coffee & consented to let me drink decaf. yay! but i still have to drink lots of water. blech. BUT the scary thing is that she cannot figure out what in the world is wrong with me. so, she's making me go for an mri. i have never had an mri in my life and im nervous. she said she doesnt think it's anything neurological but she wants to rule out any "big icky" stuff. so, im nervous. it scares me that not only do i have no idea what's going on, but neither does she. and now i have to go for this big scary test. im making sarah take me so that i can have some moral support. i am freaking out.