Sep 24, 2005 11:14
Ok so I just got another response to my profile, which reads:
"Dear sir,
I don't know why you have the nerve to put your picture on this site. For starters, you can see your farmer's tan. Add that to your horrible complexion and bug-eyes and you have a recipe to be alone forever. You're not cute."
FIRST OF ALL, do not fuck with someone who has the power to delete your account. Because I think that THAT qualifies as harassment, don't you? You're gone, bitch. Go get HIV+ via some other means than this site.
SECONDLY, I have to defend myself. I do not have a horrible complexion. If anything my skin is soft and acne-free. I mean, yeah maybe I could go tanning or something if I really cared enough to lose the farmer's tan. But BUG-EYES?? GOD that is just MEAN.
THIRDLY, this guy has a little dick, and it's online for all the world to see, and that makes me laugh.
Ok back to work.