Oct 01, 2010 06:06
I watched the entire Series of MTV’s Daria off Netflix over the last few weeks. Jersey Shore it ain’t.
It was a good show. Not quite as hilarious as I remember it but jokes about high school aren’t as good a decade after graduation as they were Junior year. I had a lot in common with Daria although I wasn’t nearly the brain she was. But I was as isolated and back then I thought that made her cooler stronger, better somehow. Now it seems to me that it just made her suffer more. I’m not saying she should have joined the fashion club but maybe the chess club???
“I don’t have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.”
Saw Vampire Weekend at the Pearl last night. They were good even if the crowd made me feel elderly. I’m going to LA for the Arcade Fire show next Thursday. Kind of dreading it actually. Not seeing Arcade Fire of course but this will be my first trip to the City of Angels. Honestly I would not make this trip for any band other than Arcade Fire or the Stooges. I’d prefer to drive there, see the show, and drive back on the same day. Geographically it should be possible, I did that to see the Dresden Dolls in Phoenix. But... LA traffic.
I meet a lot of people from LA at work and whenever the subject of traffic comes up I have never heard any Angelino say, “It’s really not that bad.” Not that I’ve had any great desire to go to Los Angeles. Maybe I’m just taking a Bill Hicks bit too far but it seems like a city that I’m philosophically opposed to. Just fake and wasteful and the traffic...
There are only two good things about LA from what I understand: The weather and the ladies are hot. What are two things I don’t experience enough of? Weather and Ladies. So yeah not my kind of town.
Anyway what should be a 4 hour drive could very well take 7 or 8 depending on traffic and I’m not sure if I can leave Vegas before noon to ensure a timely arrival for an 8pm show. And if I’m stuck in LA traffic while the show is going on, the LA homicide rate might get even higher. But given my typical sleeping schedule (7a-3p) a motel might not work out so well either. I don’t know quite what to do.
I keep vacillating between spending the day behind the wheel or two night drives with a few hours of sleep in a motel somewhere. There seem to be no good options. Gah, I hate LA!
“LA is a nightmare city and the sooner it falls into the ocean due to a major earthquake and is flushed away like the turd city it is into the Pacific Bowl the better this world will be.”