Jan 15, 2003 01:18
Ahh back in school and in full swing. My classes this semmester look really really scary. Right now the list is bio lab, chemistry, chemistry lab, comic book analysis (i know i know but i ll tell you more in a minute) and japanese year 3 semmester 2. First of all my chem proffesor is actually really pretty, not ,you know, "doable" but its a chem professor come on! Not too shabby *laughs* Japanese is looking as ferocious and work intensive as last semmester but i havent nearly the free time to work on it. Bio lab doesnt look like real fun eithe rjust because i really Dont like labs, they are so picky about shit and you never get the results right...its like they are teaching you that science=lots of failure and explaining why you are wrong. I know it teaches you how to write up reports and scientific processes but i just dont like it. The biggest surprise of the semmester so far is the comic book class! The guy who teaches it seemss to have good taste AND the class sounds challenging (less than happy about that...but it may prove rewarding ) The books im most excited to read in class are Frank Miller's the return of the dark night, Lone wolf and cub, and basically a collection of amazing spiderman that we are gonna analyze..we do older stuff too like 30 sci fi etc...but the class sounds sharp...i might have to do something creative like direct a comic (panel placement etc) so im excited to see how it turns out.
Club is still not up and running because we got shafted in room placement this semmester..im hoping that we can still practice in Mcnutt dorm in the flame room..its a pretty nice place. I need to give headspins a little rest or at least use a helmet like tanaka and the cali kids i met. I hit decent jackhammers there and id like to make those permanent too. Im working on a new spinning freeze too it works off the principle of that foot on the back of my elbow stand i used to do..i wonder if itll work (its just up in my head right now, havent had a chance to try it)
What else..oh yeah i got a totally random papercut thats realllly deep...i got it at class sometime..but then went out ni the cold so i didnt notice it till i covered a few buttons on my keyboard in blood...i have a little bandaid on it now so i can type, but not well. Just finished doing pushups with luke for fun ( ihavent even tried them in so long!) im shaking like crazy right now which makes typing super hard.
Also of interest is the fact that while most off my friends are good students none of us have gotten into that "groove" for studying yet...both luke and I have burned at least an hour today reading berserk and watching Mr. Show. I'm trying really hard to be motivated..but right now im just kinda peckish (read: horny) and cant concentrate on much of anything. I need a girl...a small one with pretty eyes..
i leave you with this exchange
makoto27374:Luke just said i have this bad HOBBIY
makoto27374: HOBBIT
Terra4ever: lol!!
Terra4ever: sweet!
makoto27374: he meant habit tho
makoto27374: he looked at me right afterwards and went "oh my god punch me as hard as you can"
such is our passion for not overloading on LOTR nerdery...its all about balance isnt it? to counter that exchange i ask everyone to cross their fingers for me im supposed to be getting my divx copy of TTT tommorow. Night!