My first journal entry...

Jul 19, 2006 22:34

Ok, is this supposed to be some form of momentous occasion? The first blog on a new site? ... maybe not...

Anyway, I am switching over to livejournal from myspace as my main blogging site (i think), mostly because this is a bit more privatized and is designed specifically for blogging, whereas myspace is more of a fun networking thing that people (i.e. me) use to blow off some free time. Also, i can control who reads these, so i don't have to worry about offending too many people (not that i would really care anyway).

I am currently in New York, for a chemistry institute. I like all the people here and they are fun to be around, but it is just different up here. My roommate is atheist, and my host family has never been to church (probably cause they are chinese). At the institute i have only met 3 other openly christian people, and two of those are from Alabama, which is deep in the Bible Belt, along with Arkansas.

Also, EVERYONE here is liberal. Which wouldn't be too bad if they would just shut up about it. But no, they can't believe i'm from Bush country and actually think that abortion is wrong. I mean it's ok for a woman to kill her child, but if there parents were to come after them with a baseball bat, it's a different story. Then they say that the embryo/fetus isn't alive. Well, it has cells and it's own DNA (which qualifies for life for many micro/unicellular organisms). But, anyway, they just aren't very educated on our lifestyles. As a rebuttle, i just kind of bull up my pants and stretch my BEAUTIFUL southern accent (which i don't even have much of, unless i really want to sound country).

Although these are issues, it would eb a lie to say that i am not having an incredible time and that i dislike any of the people whom i am working with at this place. They have been rather nice to me and are trying to get used to an Arkansan (although they call me an Arkansian... with the 'i' stressed like an e). Besides, I am here for another week and a half, so i have to at least try to enjoy myself, which isn't that hard.
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