
Oct 12, 2004 16:37

Hey, i got this from brittiani.

1. Your full name:

2. How did we meet:

3. What do u like most about me:

4. What was the BEST thing we did together that u will always remember:

5. What do u wish was different about me:

6. Do u <3 me or hate me:

7. What do we have in common:

8. Do u think that we are good friends, great friends, or not so good friends:

9. When is my birthday:

10. How much do u LOVE me on a range 1-10 {10 being the highest}:

11. What do we do BEST together:

12. What school are u going to for High School:

Ok well here's the play by play:


yes that is a good thing! call me i'm off grounding!!!!!! 219-5939
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