Sep 02, 2005 21:56

SORRY it took soooooooo long for me to update!! chapters 1-5 can be found in my journal

Title: The things i kept inside (meet you there)

Chapter: 6/?

Rating: PG13

Pairing: P/D

Summary: David leaves for a year. Pierre doesn't know why... all he knows is that he wants him back.

Disclaimer: I dont own them but it would be really cool if i did! *beams*

This is pure fluff but i have just written a meaty boy-love chapter which will be typed and up by the end of this week hopefully!!!!



Chapter 6

Pierre was woken up about 2 hours later by a rapping on his door. Sleepily he got up and padded towards the door shouting; ‘I’m coming.’ He opened the door to find David in his brand new pink and black pyjama’s with teary red eyes, clutching his toy leopard as if the world depended on it.
“Honey… What’s up?” Pierre asked, standing aside to let David into the room.
“I had a horrible dream about Jamie and I didn’t want to be alone. I’m sorry, it was stupid - I’ll go back if you want me to.” David said, turning back towards the open door. Pierre grabbed him and pulled him back into the room and onto the bed.
“Don’t be stupid Davey.” He said switching the light off and pulling the covers over them.
“Night Pie.” David said, kissing Pierre softly on the lips. His lip ring teasingly flickered across Pierre’s bottom lip making him groan inwardly.
“Night David.” He cuddled into David and drifted back off to sleep.

In the morning Pierre awoke to the smell of croissants and crepes and a rather cold patch of the bed where David had slept last night.
“Mmm.” He said waking up. In front of him, sitting on the floor surrounded by mountains of food was David, looking like a child running riot in a candy shop.
“Good morning Pierre.” David pushed a plate towards the yawning man that had just joined him on the floor. Pierre rubbed his eye in response.
“What’s all this in aid of?” Pierre asked after he’d scoffed down most of the food on his plate and filled it up with more.
“Well, it’s just a thank you for last night. I shouldn’t let a stupid nightmare affect me but I really didn’t want to be alone.” David studied the plate on his lap intently.
“Shush Dave, it’s fine. I’m always gonna be there when you need me.” Pierre hugged the smaller bassist and kissed his cheek affectionately.
“Thanks Pierre. That means the world to me.” David wiped his teary eye.
“That’s what I’m here for!” Pierre released the bassist and looked him in the eye before burying his head deep into his neck. “You smell good.” Pierre said, his voice muffled against David’s neck who promptly started giggling.
“Stoppit.” He exclaimed, wriggling away from Pierre’s embrace. “It tickles!” David tried to scramble away but Pierre merely wrapped his arms tighter around the younger man and carried on nipping at his neck.
“Um sorry guys.” Pat poked his head around the door to the room and blushed slightly.
“Good morning Patrick.” Pierre said, sitting up from where he’d been straddling David.
“I just thought I’d tell you that we have a band meeting at 10 to discuss everything in Chuck and Seb’s room.” He said before excusing himself as quickly as he possibly could. Pierre looked over at David who had gone very quiet all of a sudden.
“Hey Dave, come on.” Pierre said, hugging David and pulling him onto his lap. “It’s ok.” He added; “We’re all here to help. We just want to make this go away!” Pierre kissed David’s cheeks then his nose, his forehead and finally his lips before he responded.
“Does this mean I can play bass again?” He asked quietly.
“Sure you can! I’m rubbish at it anyway!” Pierre exclaimed.
“Well… yeah!” David agreed, earning himself a bash with a pillow from Pierre.
“Pierre will you be my boyfriend?” David asked quickly and quietly as if wanting to get it over with in case of rejection.
“Hell yeah!” A smile lit up Pierre’s face and he threw himself on top of the smiling younger man and began to nuzzle at his neck again!
“Stoppit Pierre or I won’t be your boyfriend.” David shrieked in an attempt to make Pierre stop.
“Ahh.. But then you’d be lonely and depressed and upset… face it - you need me!” Pierre stated, raising his eyebrow cockily.
“Yeah, whatever.” David replied, leaning in for a long sensual kiss which was interrupted again by Patrick but this time he was back with his video camera. Pierre threw a pillow at him and went back to kissing David.
“I love you.” He said, looking down at the man beneath him.
“Love you too.” David replied, pulling Pierre closer for another long and romantic hug.

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