unbeknownst chap 5

Jun 18, 2005 11:24

Title - Unbeknownst to you, I cry myself to sleep.
Band - SP
Rating - PG - 13..for some language and crude humor rating may go up in future chapters.
Pairing - Seb/Pierre hints of David/Chuck
Summary - Sebastien is a new kid, and a punk...Pierre is a jock, and is instructed to show Sebastien around for the first day or so until Seb gets use to the new school...What happens when Pierre finds himself falling for the most unlikely person? Will love ensue, or will they find themselves hating each other?
Disclaimer - I do not own any of them, this is purely imagination...what SP does in their spare time is there own business...though I wish some of this did happen...*sob..sob..*...
A little short, but im trying, im having writers block right now.

(Pierre’s POV)

When I woke up, Sebastien was in my arms. I was confused for a few minutes, but soon remembered what had happened the night before. I heard someone knocking on the door, and it didn’t register until after the door had opened.

“Sebastien Thomas Lefebvre! What in the world happened?” His mom shrieked.

“Hmm?” He mumbled, stretching. He wasn’t fully awake, but when he saw me, he was shocked, but then realized what had happened.

“What went on last night?” She asked softly.

“Mom, we didn’t do anything. We just hung out. Please, you have to believe me. We didn’t do anything.” He replied softly.

“Sebastien, I do believe you, but what if Kelsey had come into your room this morning to find you two in bed together? Just get ready for school. I’ll drive you two in.”

“Um, Mrs. Lefebvre? I have my car, I can drive Sebastien for you.”

“All right, I’m late for work, and I still need to drop Kelsey off at day-care.” She sighed, then left.

“Seb? Can I borrow some of your clothes? All my stuff is at home, and I kind of don’t want to go back yet...”

“Yeah, c’mon lets find something for you to wear.” When he moved to stand up, I took his hand, and pulled him back against me. I softly kissed his lips, not wanting to alarm him. He slowly deepened the kiss, slipping his hand to rest lightly on the back of my head. I didn’t want to let go but my lungs were screaming for air. I broke the kiss, and we went to get ready for school


(Seb’s POV)

At school, we went our separate ways, and I found David. I told him about me and Pierre, and he took the news really well. By lunch, people were pointing at me and whispering behind their hands. I was worried about what it was they were talking about. I had no clue what they were pointing at.

“Um, Seb?” David said as he joined me at our usual lunch table.

“Hmm?” Not bothering to look up.

“Someone found out about you and Pierre. That’s why they are all whispering and shit. I swear to God that I didn’t tell anyone.”

“Nah, I know you wouldn’t. Someone must have overheard us talking about it.” I looked up then and saw Pierre coming toward me.

“We need to talk.” He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. Uh-oh, I really don’t like the sound of this.

“How’d they find out?” He asked as soon as we were out of the lunchroom.

“I don’t know, I told David this morning and someone must’ve overheard. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was around. I thought me and David were the only ones around.” I silently pleaded with him not to break up with me. I just couldn’t handle something like that. Not right now.

“Look - I’m not mad, all right? I’m just....frustrated. I’m sorry if I made you think I was mad.”

“It’s okay. I thought you were going to break up with me or something.”

“After one night? Don’t think you’re getting away that easily.”

“No I don’t.” I kissed his cheek, and we went back into the lunch room to finish eating. The rest of the day went by quickly, and uneventful. Except for the few times when people came up to me to ask if I was really gay with Pierre. I gave them a look and they left. A few people actually came up to congratulate me, and say that they don’t care who I’m with, as long as I’m happy. I didn’t know how Pat would take it. But right now, I didn’t care. I was happily in love with Pierre.


So? What do ya think? It’s still short...I’m trying. i will make the next chepter extra long, and if i dont you may hurt me

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