Jun 29, 2005 10:34
hey i changed my look around on here. like it??
I GET TO GO OVER TO KAITLIN'S HOUSE TODAY!!! WOOHOO!!!its gonna be awesome. can't wait. im sorry i just have to say it.
heehee good times.
my mother is insisting that i go to the doctor today. b/c i was complaining about my legs. i dont think its possible to get parvo again. is it? last year at this time of the year. i had a really bad case of Parvo and it was so bad i couldnt walk. i couldnt physicly walk. at ALL. i had to go to the hospital. for 2 days. and my legs were hurting really bad yesterday. like they did right before i couldnt walk. but today it still hurts but not AS much. plus i really wanna go to kaitlin's house. lol.
GOT MY GUITAR ON MONDAY!!! i can play a little song on it too. from smoke on the water. heehee. i have named my guitar seb. after sebastion lefebve in simple plan. cuz he makes the guitar an even more awesome instrument. and plus hes just plain awesome. im gonna bring my guitar over to kaitlin's house today. cuz its cool. and i like for people to see it. heehee. when my guitar is in the car, i am like... paranoyyed about it falling. so every time it moves a half a centimeter. i dart around and hold it like its my last hope for life. lol.
well comment if you like this new look on here!!!!
i shall go get a shower, my hir is disgusting. :-P (thats not a cute smiley it is meant to be like i am sticking my toungue out b/c i dont like something.... heh heh)