Loading problems

Dec 09, 2014 11:18

Is anyone else who uses Internet Explorer having trouble loading Livejournal? On Sunday, I couldn't get the page to load at home, although I had no problem accessing the site using Firefox or my Kindle. But IE? Not happening. And it was the only site I have bookmarked that wouldn't load ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

fenchurche December 9 2014, 16:45:31 UTC
So far, I haven't had any problems loading LJ on IE. Now going to have to keep my fingers figuratively crossed that it stays that way!


sp23 December 9 2014, 16:52:41 UTC
It's just so weird. On Sunday I figured it was my home computer giving me problems, but now here at work, I just don't get it. I can't imagine that it's just because both computers are Dells, though not the same models. And even the IEs are different versions. Work IE 10, Home IE 11. So. Weird.


speakr2customrs December 9 2014, 17:01:27 UTC
I haven't been able to load LJ on Internet Explorer for several days now.


sp23 December 9 2014, 17:17:51 UTC
So it isn't just me. Just so strange!


fenchurche December 9 2014, 19:48:27 UTC
Huh. Now this is making me wonder why I haven't been having any problems.


sp23 December 9 2014, 21:00:50 UTC
What's weird is it was working fine until Sunday, and then worked okay yesterday. I haven't gotten home from work yet, so I don't know if it'll load at home or not. Also, Firefox just kind of spazzed when I loaded the page to reply to your comment.


jordan179 December 9 2014, 17:23:40 UTC
Yeah, I found it impossible on IE. Switched to Firefox.


sp23 December 9 2014, 19:03:56 UTC
Thanks. Good to know it isn't just me and my computer(s). My first thought is always that somehow I borked everything up. LOL


twicet December 9 2014, 18:59:07 UTC
Support are aware of it. I haven't been able to log-on using IE for some days.


sp23 December 9 2014, 19:04:37 UTC
Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad that it wasn't something I had done, which is always possible. LOL


shipperx December 9 2014, 22:01:10 UTC
I am!


sp23 December 9 2014, 22:43:31 UTC
Very annoying. I hope the programmers get this fix quickly. :-(


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