Memory, or the daily fog report

Nov 12, 2013 09:57

So, I'm reading my flist, and I thought, 'oh! I wanted to look *** up", so I click on the search bar, and instantly forget what I wanted to look up. And as it had nothing to do with what I was reading, I'll just have to wait for my geriatric brain to remember it. /facepalm.

In other news, it snowed today, and I could totally live without that. But it's supposed to warm up again, so that's good.

I had a lovely three day weekend. Did a lot of housework - which may sound weird to say along with 'lovely three day weekend' - but the house looks nicer now, and that's always good. Plus I bought new living room drapes and put them up, and they look much better than the worn-out rags I had up there before. I desperately need a new drapery rod but until I have someone who can help me do that, I'll just use the old one.

Neme's in the house today. He woke me up at 3am wanting out, but he wanted in NOW! this morning, and he did NOT want back out when I left for work. LOL This, of course, does not sit well with the boys, but they're just going to have to get used to him.

The little girl was there yesterday afternoon when I fed her lunch (she's so skinny that I fed her 3 - 4 times a day over the weekend), but she wasn't there at dinner time when I put out food for her, nor before I went to bed, nor this morning, and the food was untouched. So I don't know if she just felt strong enough to move on or what. To be honest, if she's moved on, I'm okay with that. I certainly don't need another cat. Heck, the boys would be perfectly happy if Neme moved on - not that *that's* ever going to happen. He's becoming quite the little lap cat. Anyway, if the girl kitty is still missing tomorrow, I'll have to cancel the vet appointment I made for Thursday morning, and then if she shows up again, I'll remake the appointment.

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cat tales, general blather

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