I was tagged by
fraidycatx3 Total Number of Films I own on DVD/Video
I have no idea. Not many commercially made - probably less that fifty, certainly less than 75. I do have a huge amount that I've taped off tv from the various movie channels I've watched over the years.
Last Film I Bought
Last movie was LOTR-ROTK. Last TV series S7 Buffy & S5 Angel (bought at the same time).
Last Film I Watched
Oh, dear. I pretty much forget what I watched five minutes after I've stopped watching it. I think the last movie I watched was the last bit of The Mummy Returns which was on tv when I got home from work. The last DVD though was disc 2, season 1 of Carnivale.
Five Films I Watch a Lot
"The Uninvited", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "When Harry Met Sally", The 1939 version of "The Women", "Steel Magnolias"
And now I tag 5 people. Apologies if you've already been tagged.