Another crappy overcast day. Since we had such a cool summer here this year, I'm not looking forward to fall in the least little bit. And winter? Ugh. Hate even the thought of it.
Neme spent the night in the house last night. He was in for a bit in the evening and then wanted out so I let him out, but something was out there. I heard him yowling loudly, so I hurried outside with my flashlight. He was at the bottom yard, yowling and spitting and all fuzzed up. He ran up to the patio when I called him, and I picked him up and brought him in. The boys weren't happy, but there was no way I was leaving him outside with another cat or raccoon or whatever it was that had him so upset roaming around out there. The night was fairly quietly spent since I think he slept the whole night in the spare bedroom, but then he decided that 7am was long enough for me to sleep and it was breakfast time, and he came into my room and yowled me awake. LOL
He's out now, and I haven't heard or seen anything out there, so I guess it's okay.
College football was not good yesterday. Far too many blowouts, which make for boring watching if it's not your team, plus WVU totally sucks this year. The best game I watched was the Marshll/Virginia Tech game which Marshall unfortunately lost in the third or fourth overtime. But at least they fought to the end. WVU didn't even fucking show up for the game.
I should get dressed and go out for a walk today since I did nothing Friday or yesterday (thanks, rain!), but man I'm feeling lazy.
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