Another half-step up the tech toys ladder

Jun 07, 2013 12:27

I am not a technophile. I accept new tech very slowly. Heck I still haven't bought a flat-screen HD tv yet. Nor do I have a DVR or a Blu-ray player. And I finally installed a wireless router on Wednesday.

The reason for the wireless router is that for quite a while I've thought about getting a Kindle Fire. But to have a Fire, one really must have wireless at home, and I was afraid (yes,afraid) to set up wireless as I was sure I'd mess the whole thing up and blow up my computer or something. Yeah, I know. I'm old, sue me. LOL

But I did decide to get a Fire, so after consideration, I decided to get the small 7" HD one because I wanted one that was easy to slip into my purse. It came yesterday, immediately and easily connected to my home wireless, and after a bit of mucking about, I have it up and running with books and music and videos to watch/listen to. Woot! I really do like it. However, the screen is pretty small, so even though I can connect to Dreamwidth or LJ or Facebook, the small screen doesn't allow for really comfortable reading. But video watching is fine once one gets used to the smaller screen. The picture and sound quality were good, and I took it up to bed last night and watched an episode of Grimm. :-)

I will probably at some point go ahead an buy the larger version even though my brother keeps nagging me to get an IPod instead. We'll see. It'll be a while before I can find a way to crowbar open my purse again for a fairly expensive purchase since I did just also order a new computer. But hey, baby steps, baby. :-)

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