Will you still love me tomorrow?

Apr 12, 2013 10:05

Or, Tuesday, actually. Called the vet's office this morning to make an appointment for TJ (he has something on his shoulder I want the vet to look at) and Neme, and they scheduled it for Monday afternoon. They told me that they'd do Neme's initial exam/shots and then make an appointment for me to bring him back for his neutering. Now I'm just kind of worried he'll stop trusting me after getting poked and prodded and jabbed and anally violated by the vet. I just hope we all come out of this with skin intact. He's never been violent - hissing and lashing out - with me, but then I was very careful to never trap him or make him feel unsafe. So, prayers to Bastet that all goes well with him with as little trauma as possible.

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cat tales, neme, tj

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