Me and the fannish side of life

Apr 19, 2012 09:23

So it appears that I'm no longer a 'fan'. I'm no longer obsessed with Buffy (or to a lesser extent Angel) or Stargate Atlantis. I'm no longer addicted to whatever the former stars of the shows are currently doing. I no longer have any desire whatsoever to go to a con (other than to see the people I've had the pleasure to meet through fandom). I seldom if ever read fanfiction any more, and even though I have the DVDs, I don't care to watch them. And if I'm given a choice of watching a rerun of Chopped for the sixteenth time or an episode of Buffy that I haven't watched in years, I'll probably pick Chopped.

I do enjoy reading the discussions about the Buffy comics, but I don't care to read the comics myself. I suffered through the entirety of season 8, and that pretty much killed my interest in any first hand experience with comics Buffy.

I kind of miss it, but life goes on. I'm really grateful for fandom because I've met a lot of great people I never would have known because of it. Certainly my outlook on life has expanded because of the people I've met.

So even though I don't read fanfiction anymore, or participate in fannish activities or discussions, I still really enjoy reading everyone's journal entries. So I'm still here, even if I'm more quiet than I used to be! :-)

fandom stuff

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