HI! Hi, hi, hi!!!!!

Jul 29, 2011 08:56

So Amazon is tempting me with a $25 off special offer on a 3g Kindle. And I'm tempted. Yes, yes, I'm tempted. I've been resisting buying one, especially since the Kindle doesn't support epub books from my library, although according to the library website that is coming later this year. Still, I resist. Especially since I can see my very bad TJ nosing it off of a table and crashing it to the floor because that's what he does. Nothing is safe from the nose of the T. He is currently laying on my book bag looking extremely comfortable on top of the pile of books inside.

I took today off for no other reason than I wanted to. This month was crazy busy and then, suddenly, nothing. Or next to nothing. I'm not really planning on doing anything except read and lounge around. You know, my usual day off stuff. Except I think I'm going to have to go out and cut my grass. I usually have a guy come and do it for me, but his mother is having serious health problems and he's her main (or possibly sole) caretaker. I think the poor guy is getting overwhelmed. He hasn't been around for almost three weeks now, and the grass is just way too high. I hate cutting grass in the heat, and I'm not sure my lawn mower will even start, but I can't let the grass go any longer.

Loved last night's new Project Runway. Heidi needs to eat a couple cookies. She's looking too skinny. It's not that attractive. Tim, as always, is total love. :-D I set an alarm on my cell phone to remind me every Thursday to watch because otherwise, I will forget. Because I'm just that old and senile. And also because I seldom have my tv on in the summer and so forget it even exists.

And in closing, *clings to LJ*

general blather, project runway

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