Jingle, jangle, jingle

Nov 30, 2010 22:03

I can't believe that tomorrow is December 1st. Bah, humbug?

Anyway, today the weather is really crummy. Warm, but it's been pouring rain all day. I wanted to go do a little shopping on my lunch hour, but no. That was just not going to happen.

In office news, we're doing a gift exchange this year. First year. I think it'll be fun.

Watched Rudolph on tv tonight. Love that show, and try to watch it every year. Well, I watched as much as I could while at the same time yelling at and chasing TJ away from everything he wasn't supposed to be messing with. He was being extremely bad tonight. He finally settled down, but it was a close call between caticide or me going insane.

I just finished watching the David Hewlett episode of Hellcats. Oh. My. God. That is a terrible show. Awful, awful, awful. Yikes! Hewlett, you'd better appreciate my fannish slavishness because there is no fricking way in hell I'd ever watch that show for anyone else but you or Marsters.

Going to bed now. Good night, everyone.

tv, cat tales, tj, the hewlett

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