
Jul 15, 2010 14:59

Sorry to those who havesandyfic friended for the spamming. With LJ's decree that they're going to purge dormant journals, I thought it a good time to post all the drabbles I've written over the past two years (OMG!) to my fic journal... since that's what it's for. /facepalm

It's really kind of sad when you look at it. I did many drabbles in 2008, fewer in 2009, and only two so far this year. It's the same with my SGA fic. I haven't written anything in ages, although I did go through my WIP folder the other night, and I may finish an AU I started in 2008. I still know how that fic was going to end, and I like the beginning, so I just need to come up with a middle. I'll see if I get anything going.

fic writing

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