Thank goodness it's not *too* freezing today

Feb 24, 2009 15:15

Talk about bad timing! I had just pushed back my desk chair in preparation of making a trip to the 'ladies', when this horrific noise started blaring. Oh, great. Fire alarm. So, we all tug on our coats, lock the vault and the office doors and trudge outside into the cold. Thankfully, the sun was out, so it wasn't too uncomfortable while we waiting for the fire department to make its arrival and allow us back in the building. I was deciding if I was going to have to duck into the library and visit their 'ladies', when we got the all clear to return to the building. Excitement! :-)

I'm bored today, so I've been reading throw my 'friends of friends', and I came across a really delightful Eliot/Hardison Leverage fic by laceymcbain, Bad Habits and Dumb Luck, rated PG. Really cute with great voices. I'm not much of a Nathan/Eliot or really Nathan/Anyone fan - he's just too fucked up, y'know? - but I could get behind Alec/Eliot or Alec/Parker or Alec/Parker/Eliot. *g*

Watched Episode 5 of Being Human last night, and really, really enjoyed it. How sad am I that there are only six episodes in this season? I hope this gets picked up for a second season because if it doesn't, BBC has some 'splaining to do. It's a terrific series.

Obama's going to be on tv tonight, messing up my tv viewing. Does that man ever shut up? He's been talking constantly since he took office. Yeah, yeah, I know. Economic crisis, blah, blah, blah, but it's prime time, dammit. ;-)

fic recs, being human, leverage, me me me

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