Open On Sunday Drabble Prompt: Can

Jan 18, 2009 15:27

Title: Destiny
Author: Sandy (sp23)
Rated: G

"Tyler, Tyler, he's our man!
If he can't do it, no one can!"

Buffy yelled, and flipped, and enthusiastically waved her pompoms, leading cheers for the Hemery High basketball team as they ran up and down the court in one of the most important games of the season. She loved being a cheerleader, and her greatest ambition was to be Head Cheerleader. It was her destiny.

Three days later, as she waited for Tyler to come and beg her to go to the dance with him, a weird guy in a cheap, ill-fitting suit told her about a different destiny.

open on sunday drabbles, btvs fic, drabble, rating: g

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