Oh look! It's winter!

Jan 15, 2009 10:53

Yeah, winter has finally struck. I could have lived without. We got a bit of snow yesterday - 2 to 3 inches, I guess. And it's supposed to be very cold today with more possible snow. The sky only has partial clouds right now, so maybe we'll miss that.

One of my new year's resolutions was to write more, and I've done pretty well with that so far. One of my goals is to write at least one drabble for each open_on_sunday challenge, but for some reason this week's challenge, stick, really was. A challenge, I mean. I couldn't come up with anything I liked. The challenge was due to close sometime today, so, after much racking of my tiny brain, I actually, finally, came up with an idea. And you know what? I'm really pleased with the result. Go me.

Another challenge community I want to try to post at least one entry for is mcsheplets. These are bi-weekly prompts, and this one, deep, is giving me a bit of a fit too, because I really don't want to go for the obvious. Oh, well, I have until the 26th to get something going there.

Now, if I can only get started on the resolution to lose weight. ;-)

me me me, fic writing

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