You know, after all the strum und drang I've suffered through over SGA, it's kind of nice to be a bit on the sidelines of a fandom when a major event takes place. I just took a break from watching 24. (And, really, I'm remembering now why I stopped watching last season. The stupidity of these plots makes my head ache.), and decided to check out my flist, and saw that the new Doctor has been announced to much lj-cutting. *g* I knew the announcement was coming today, of course, but I always lose track of the time difference.
Anyway, in order to discuss this development without spoiling those who don't wish to know (if anyone out there like that exists), I'll
lj-cut, too.
I don't know the new guy that's been chosen. I'm sure he'll do fine though. So, welcome,
Matt Smith. You're stepping into a pretty heady role. I hope you're ready for the fan-craziness that sure to come your way. Good luck, mate.