I heard on ESPN radio this morning that some Irish magazine photomaniped Tiger Woods's wife's head onto a nude body and then claimed that she was involved with web porn sites. They claim it was satire; Tiger claims in was slander. Guess who's going to win that lawsuit. *g*
I had taped the first episode of Survivor last week since I was watching the WVU game instead, and I finally got around to watching it last night. I was surprisingly pleased with it. Then I read the recap on TWoP, and really, Miss Alli has been so indoctrinated into the White Guilt culture that she makes my teeth ache. Anyway, I think that this season might not be the train wreck I feared it would be.
I liked last night's episode of Bones more than I have the previous three episodes, maybe because
they've finally gotten over the stupid pissing contest between Brennan and Cam. That just irritated me and made me hate the new girl. Last night, I actually didn't mind her, mostly because she was working with her team instead of trying to dominate Brennan.
a2zmom had a complaint about the stupidity level that they pushed Seeley to, and it's a valid complaint. It's also a common occurrence in tv writing it seems, and something I've dubbed PISS (Pegasus Intelligence Sucking Syndrome). The folks on Stargate Atlantis are supposed to be some of the best and brightest that Earth has to offer, and yet since they came to the Pegasus Galaxy, they've made one bone-headed decision after another as if the Galaxy is slowly siphoning off all their IQ points. PISS is a convenient short-cut for writers to use to make one character appear far smarter than another. Unfortunately, it just makes the other character look stupid in comparison because usually the "solutions" aren't all that brilliant.
Criminal Minds began their second season last night, and it was really good although the resolution was a bit...weird. Still, I love that show. It's probably my favorite new show from last season.
I had to tape ANTM and I hope I get to watch it this weekend. And tomorrow night, Numb3rs starts its new season and
Lou Diamond Phillips guest stars again. Oh, how I love LDP's character on this show. And, um, well, Lou Diamond Phillips in general. *g*
Since I'm backing away from fandom for a while, I went to the library and borrowed some books. I had to figure out what genre I was interested in reading and decided I was kind of in the mood for some hard-boiled, noir-type murder mysteries. The book I'm currently reading is called
Killing Floor by Lee Child. It's pretty good except it stretches credulity almost to the breaking point. Still, I like the hero quite a bit, so after I finish it, I may read the next book in the series, although it will probably take me a while to get to it. I have a whole list of books I want to get from the library. I like to browse through Amazon.com and find books that look interesting and that my library has on its shelves. I'm trying not to buy any more books, however I did go ahead and order the
Edmund Crispin books from Amazon.com, and they're on their way to me now.
My mom was able to get up out of bed on her own and walk to the bathroom just using her walker yesterday. It looks like it won't be long before she can come home. Of course, now she's anxious to come home and she's becoming grouchy and unreasonable and making me crazy. Almost ready doesn't mean "ready", but it should be soon. I just hope she doesn't make life miserable for the nurse's aides who work there because she has a habit of turning mean when she doesn't get her way. She sees her orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, so we'll probably have a better idea when she can come home then.