Jul 17, 2003 23:02
Tonights "You remind me"
every time i see a mack truck i think of Mark.
every time i see a pidgieon i think of Sarah Dee.
every time i hear shrill pre- puburtized voices i think of Sarah Murph
every time i hear anything that sort of sounds like a cat... i think of love
every tim ei hear a brittish accsent i think of Spike
every time i hear a clearly plotted pun i think of Buffy (The show, not the girl)
everytime i hear yelling i think of my mom
every time i hear my name i think of ... myself
every time i hear "Smells like Teen Spirit" i think of Washington D.C. (last years school trip)
every time i hear greendays "good riddance" i think of Frank
every time i see ghost i think of barf and Cassie... heh
every time i see my yard i think of margo.. since her yard is right near mine.
every time i see Pirates of the Carribean I think of Gretchen-- also everytime I play my harry potter xbox game i think of Gretchen.
every time something stupid happens, i check to see if josh is there.
every time i see someone shaking someone elses hand i think of Adam fisk
Thats all.
I don't think much.
Later days.