Apr 21, 2006 01:49
You know how people sound when they have a cold? Stuffed up? Yea...about that....
I CANNOT BREATHE~!!!!!! >______< ....*sniff*....
Someone gave me their cold. *glares around suspisiously* I'm annoying myself by how many times I'm sniffing... grr.... too many times in 30 seconds!!! >__<
Question: Do people really just stay home and sleep off the colds and stuff in Japan? o-o;
At least in mangas...I souldn't really be compairing mangas with actual Japanese-ness, but I cannot help it! It bothers me! ...Makes me want to stay home... >->;
I just realized~!!! I flex out of Journalism tomorrow~!! Happiness~!!! <3 To bad I'm going to be going to ceramics again to try and get a fucking mug done on the wheel. I've been trying to make a mug on the potters wheel for the past 4-5 days... IT'S NOT WORKING!!!! >__< I'm ready to just shoot someone! I was getting really irritated with the teacher to...started kinda snapping back...hmm...I'm gonna get myself into trouble if I cannot keep that in check. >->;
xxxHOLiC episode 3!!! I had problems with my download of xxxHOLiC ep. 2 subbed, but I got the raw version at least. <3 I'm deffinatly going to get both for ep. 3 though. I'll work on ep. 2 subbed again later...
Episode 3 has the start of DoumekixWatanuki-ness!!! <3<3<3<3
I just sneezed 9 times!!! >__<
....10..... *10 seconds later* ...11.... *little less than 10 seconds later* ...12....13... >___< MAKE IT STOP!!! ....14.... it's kinda starting to hurt... o__o;
I'm going to track down some childrens medicine...you know...the kind that tastes like grape... XD
I'll take maybe....5-6 spoons of that and see how well I sleep after that. XD
....15.... >__< I'm going to bed.
anime: xxxholic,
school -- high school