I killed my laptop on Thursday.
I had vitamin water in my backpack, and... well... let's just say I fell asleep, and when I woke up, there was a huge puddle under my bag and my laptop was in said bag.
The screen went though lots of problems while I tried to transfer all my shit to my external hard drive as fast as I could before it died. All I lost were my bookmarks. *shot* But I still wanted those! I had a bunch of fics I wanted to save dammit!
But anyway. Now I own my Mom lots of money for this very pretty, new, shiny, laptop I am currently typing on. It's huge!
Compaq 3GB RAM, 250GB hard drive, 15.4 inch screen... vista. Donno what to think about Vista yet. We'll see, yea?
But now I need to catch up on flist before I get even more behind! *already 40 entries back and still not caught up*
By the way,
katia_chan and I came up with a name for this pretty shiny new laptop. His name is Bob.
Yes, that is Dresden's Bob. TV or book, it doesn't matter, does it?