Well Then...

Dec 03, 2006 14:22

I got my order from JustManga.com yesterday~! *spins* They even threw in a Viz catalogue and a small (like paper size) Loveholic poster/ad. I should get it laminated. ^___^
For my 'something extra' they threw in four marshmallow hamburgers! They're really good! So much yum!

They also gave me a key holder (no idea what anime that is on it... basketball? No idea.) And a Prince of Tennis bookmark! XD

So I need to reorganize my bookshelf again. o__o; I've tried stacking them sideways, the ones I don't grab at often but still love, and stacking them up...but it doesn't look right. XD It looks okay with Koori but that's because it's the same manga...

There's a couple I'm thinking I should try to sell. But I'll probably wait until Anime Detour and bring them along and see if anyone would like to trade. XD Gotta start making the list of what I'd be willing to part with. Not much, but still something. ^-^;

Gotta get ready for work soon. Working with D again. She's new..er? She's the newest addition to the deli and she's older than me~. And bisexual. Yep!

My Goldfish I bought on Friday (I bought three of them!) are trying to breath air. T__T I don't think they have enough. I'll need a bubbler. I have yet to give them names!

I was going to get four and name them Kurogane, Fai, Doumeki, and Watanuki...but then I realized I'd be really sad if one of them died and left the other alone. T________T So they are as of yet, unnamed.

organizing, pets, shopping, work: mpreg deli

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