Newfoundland/St Bernard mix

Jul 16, 2006 14:18

My Mom found an ad in the Sunday paper that where selling Newfoundland/St Bernard mix male and female puppies. ($250) ^_________^

They had a note in there saying you could call and e-mail them for pictures of the puppies, which we did.

We have yet to get a reply though. v-v But when we do! I'll share the picture(s)! They're bound to be adorable! <3<3<3<3

St. Bernard puppies are adorable! With their big paws and everything... *squee* And Newfoundlands are, I guess, part St. Bernard so that makes them adorable as well! But MIXXED TOGETHER?! I wanna see~!

*stalks e-mail box* o_______o;


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