Jun 14, 2010 15:37
So anyone happen to be thinking of moving to the Sacramento area, mainly a fairly big sized town called Rocklin with LOTS of stuff to do there? <3
We are closing fast on a huge house but I need someone to share the rental costs with because I cant afford them on my own. I will have pictures to come soon but Im hoping to give out a package deal for a set of 2 rather large rooms (built in ceiling fans in both) private bathroom and small private kitchen area, and personal entry way into the house. Other features will be usage of a fully furnished pool table room and a separate game/theater room and large main kitchen.
Im located within 5 minutes of everything convenient: Joanns super center, 24 hour walmart, several large grocery store and food chains, and every fast food place you can think of! I'm shooting for about $600 a month plus 1/2 the utilities.
I figured I would ask my friends first before I asked people I didnt know ^_^
I would need to know soon because this is happening really fast, I'll get the house in like 2 weeks =X wish me luck!