Orpheus (an Angel: the Series fanfic)

Jul 31, 2012 22:00

Fandom: Angel: the Series, with a bonus Supernatural crossover epilogue

Length: ~7500 words

Rating: R

Warnings: sex scene involving a minor (17 year old), creepy Cordelia/Connor scene, blatant wish fulfilment

Pairing: Faith/Connor (yeah I know I know, whatever dammit)

Secondary Pairings: Angel/Cordelia, Wesley/Illyria

Summary: This was a s4 Connor/Faith oneshot that turned into a complete AtS fix-fic. Cordy wakes up. Connor wises up. Faith stays just as lovably psychotic as always... mostly. Takes us through s5 and a teensy bit into the future. Not compatible with comic-book Angel s6.

Sorry for the formatting! LJ does not understand what spacing means so I can never ever edit it again.


Part One

Part Two

Hope you enjoy!
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