Fandoms: X-men First Class, Doctor Who
Length: ~13,500 words
Rating: Pretty tame (sorry!)
Ships: Charles/Erik, some Raven/Moira
Beta: By the lovely
lost_in_dreamz, who was a total cheerleader and probably the only reason I was motivated enough to finish this, and by my brother, who emailed me a list of suggested revisions and when I asked "so, did you like it?" shrugged and said "sure."
Summary: Awhile ago on an X-Men fic meme I wrote my shortest-ever fanfic. Here it is:
"This," Charles proclaims, "explains so much!"
Grinning like a madman, he hands Erik the pocketwatch.
Anyway, the gods like their jokes, and it is now the single longest fic I have ever written. And I'm pretty pleased with it, if I do say so. TL;DR: Charles wakes up one morning and realizes he is actually the Eleventh Doctor.
(...oh, and, uh. For purposes of this fic, Angel doesn't exist. Sorry. I would've had to give her a whole other plotline, and... no.)
Not All Who Wander
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Enjoy!