Mar 21, 2012 11:39
I'm embarrassed for my sex.
Why do so-called progressives think it is genius to kvetch endlessly about getting birth control for free? Yeah, free for them when someone clearly more responsible is actually paying for it. You know what I think is "progressive"? Women who don't act like toddlers by demanding and crying to have all their needs be taken care of by someone else. I also think it is progressive for adult women to, you know, act like adults by accepting the consequences of their behavior and choices. I really don't see how a woman can call herself a "progressive" if she wants to have sex and have someone else pay for the consequences. Birth control pills aren't a necessity to living and they're cheap and easily available. Again, I'm embarrassed for my sex when progressive women presume to speak for me with their childlike need to be taken care of and repeated exaltations of "gimme". Gimme free birth control pills. Gimme abortions. Hands off my womb! Gimme a free college education. Gimme special treatment because I'm a woman. It's embarrassing! Why is that only in the last couple of years these progressive women can't seem to take care of themselves and their own needs?
I don't see anything progressive about a woman that chooses to spend $100,000 on an education in Women's Studies and then moans about having to pay for that education. I know of a very successful woman who was actually mocked for the fact that she graduated from college debt-free. Guess who did the mocking? Progressives. The woman who went to college and graduated without debt was Sarah Palin. I know of another progressive woman who called housewives "dependent creatures who are still children" and "parasites"? Really, Ms. Steinem? And "reproductive justice" grads who demand that their birth control be provided for free (in other words, paid for by someone else) aren't dependent creatures and parasitic? Thanks for lowering the bar progressives. I kind of have to wonder why progressive women would circle the wagons around a man who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice and committed adultery all the while publicly eviscerating the women who brought this behavior to light. How proud the progressives must be of Bill Clinton, he's their biggest fund-raiser afterall.
Whiney, self-indulgent, dependent, two-faced, intolerant, irresponsible, unaccountable, loud-mouthed, rude, demanding, insolent, petulant "victims": this is the face of women progressives. These progressive women repeatedly beclown themselves all the while their agenda is nothing more than promoting political and ideological slavery by infantizing women. Savor the irony.
In the meantime, President Obama will likely be the first president to go through his entire term without having a budget. It's been more than three years since the Democratic Senate has passed a budget. Kicking the can down the road has become something to be proud of I guess.