962 Days In

Sep 10, 2011 10:19

We're 962 days in so it's time to for a quick Hope-N-Change recap. But first, I want to preemptively address those who think this "I told you so" from me is unnecessary. I will use what Glenn Reynold's wrote in Instapundit since he said it quite succinctly:

Well, I am quite deliberately rubbing it in, as the ridiculously inflated expectations for Obama are regularly and repeatedly exposed as . . . ridiculously inflated. But what’s really juvenile is expecting that an inexperienced former community organizer could successfully execute the office of President of the United States. And if I’m peeing all over the wave of hope-and-change hype that got him into office despite his obvious unsuitability, it’s to help ensure that nothing this disastrous happens again in my lifetime. I realize that it’s painful for those who fell victim to the mass hysteria to constantly be reminded of their foolishness, but I hope it’ll be the kind of pain that results in learning. . . .

UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark emails:

Nicely said.

Many all too willingly wanted to follow the piper and now that it’s proven to have been a disastrous choice, would prefer that all that was forgotten. Well, no it shouldn’t be. Votes matter, and their gullibility, or pursuit of easy absolution, or confirmation of some imagined moral superiority in support of the President’s election has led to the disaster we now face. Many among these people, in particular those with a public voice, bear a large measure of responsibility for having brought us to this point. What is truly juvenile is that among many of these same people there exists a continued denial of the reality we face and of their role in helping to bringing it about.

Indeed. Which is why I continue to rub it in.

So, how's that Hope and Change working out for you?

Add to this that Obama may end up being the first president to go through his entire term in office without a budget. It's been 840+ days since the democratically controlled Senate passed a budget.

Then there are the scandals: Walpin, New Black Panthers, Fast & Furious, Solyndra....just to name a few. Note that just because the media won't report on a scandal doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Kind of like how Obama gaffes get scrubbed. Nothing to see here, move along. Quoting Ace, "It's pretty easy to appear to be a good student when a doting teacher corrects your errors for you, and gives you nothing but gold stars."

Funny how there aren't any war protests going on what with the non-congressional approved war in Libya and the fact that the month of August was the deadliest for U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

What about all those calls for civility and bi-partisanship? Make me laugh. The violence and threats in Wisconsin and with the various union strikes of late is a disgusting and embarrassing display from Obama supporters. Align myself with that? Never. I'm still waiting for evidence of violence or threats made by tea party people. In the meantime, YouTube is chock full of Obama supporters being anything but civil.

Want to know another reason why I would never ever consider voting for someone like Obama and his party, well besides the fact that democrats have a problem with math and numbers, my vote isn't for sale, I don't believe in confiscatory government, I don't believe in the politics of envy and I have a problem with creating generations of looters and moochers? Democrats coddle Muslims and Muslims hate gays.
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