MSU week 3!

Sep 07, 2005 15:59

Dear Internet,

Who has time to socialize in college when you have to pass your classes? Why must math do this to me every year?! I'm not gonna lie; I love how it can explain the world exclusively through the thought process and can help us grasp abstract thoughts, but what the Heck am I supposed to make of this?!:

If Mth(x) =hell^.5 for all Mth(x)>0 and all Mth< 1, then find the solution and simplify for all quantities <116 and f(x)=Calc. What is the quotient of Hell in the variables after they have been pluged in? Simplify.

Let's make something clear: there is no way that this stuff I'm getting shoved at me can, or ever will be, Simplified. I LAUGH at puny attempts at simplifacation... or at least I would if I wasn't the fool who had to do it! Enough venting for now.

'What else is going on?' the  internet asks. Well, I've been talking to some of the guys on my floor. They are assholes.

Ok, ok... they're nice guys... but when an attractive woman is around, there are two significant changes that come over them: 1)they act like assholes who are superior to any other guy there and 2)they act like assholes who actually care about this girl[s], and let me assure you: THEY DON'T. Well let me tell ya, Homie don' play dat! I swear, I'm gonna start a charter for people to sign promising they won't be jerks when there is the slightest chance of sexual activity! And then we will wear badges, proudly proclaiming: WE AREN'T ---HOLES!!! And women won't have to waste their time with guys who follow their penises like divineing rods, unless they really want to! NICE AND PSEUDO-NICE GUYS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do some f---ing math studying.


PS-Otherwise, college is pretty good, but I may need a bike after all...

PPS- The fundamental flaw in my plan, looking at it, is that girls like nice guys... and I really do believe that not many of them do. c'est la vie, if any of you do, then my number is... hehe... just kidding.

PPPS-Ok, so maybe I was only half kidding there.
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