Mar 13, 2005 09:31
Putting a search for 'Nine Inch Nails Teeth' into soulseek gives results of several users with names like Ethan353, Brianna9321, and GenericFirstNameRandomNumber, etc etc. And they all have the album distributed in the EXACT SAME directory structures:
C:\Nine Inch Nails\
C:\music\Nine Inch Nails\
D:\musics\Nine Inch Nails\
D:\downloads\Nine Inch Nails\
E:\downloads\Nine Inch Nails\
C:\mydownloads\Nine Inch Nails\
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\Nine Inch Nails
C:\downloaded\Nine Inch Nails\
D:\my music\Nine Inch Nails\
And they all have insane download speeds, most above 50kps, and all give errors
Now obviously, these are all fake mp3s... But what are they? Probably looped samples. Who put them there? The RIAA? Trent Reznor? The album is not out on yet...
I found this message on the slsk forums:
It isn't some 14 year old kid or the RIAA, it's Interscope Records running the bots.
The new QOTSA album, the new Garbage album, AND the new NIN album are all upcoming releases on Interscope Records, or one of their subsidaries. Same deal with the Mars Volta album. I also noticed that doing a search for 2PAC gets you bot results for "Loyal to the Game", another Interscope release.
So, that can't be a coincidence, can it? ONLY Interscope releases?
Fuck you Interscope.