~squenix100: Citan Uzuki/Hyuga Ricdeau from XENOGEARS~

Oct 04, 2005 21:30

Claim Started: September 5th, 2005
Last Updated: January 21st, 2005
Icons Completed: 40/100

at the beginning





halfway around the world


bang bang

defying gravity

heaven's light
brilliant dance
midnight sun

morning star
last kiss
cross your heart




why not?
my sundown
spinning around

walking on sunshine
daydream believer
break myself

broken wings

let it bleed
only one
forever young

bedroom toys
on my own

perfect day
ever after

If you take any of the icons.. comment and credit. ^_^

(Comments and song inspirations)

1.) Nothing in particular.
2.) "Sunrise" by Duran Duran (Duran Duran is a big inspiration for me)
3.) Light of your Smile.. no, nothing really specific. I just made it.
4.) Why I am not a die-hard fan of the pairing of Yui/Citan. I can appreciate it on a canonical level.
5.) "Don't Say a Prayer" by Duran Duran. Lyrics brush by milkmoon.
6.) "Veins of Glass" by Lacuna Coil. It is really supposed to say, "The innocence that smiles today.. tomorrow will be lying.." but I conveniently left the last part out. Intentional. Yes.
7.) "My Antartica" by Duran Duran.
8.) Okay so I have a hard-on for Citan and Fei. >.>
9.) "Different Seasons" by Breathe. One of the lines, "Nature's cruel.. it's just changing seasons" which was the inspirational line.
10.) This one is purely in the lyrics which is from "Gold" by Spandeau Ballet. Lyrics Here

11.) My favorite pairing is Hyuga Ricdeau and Sigurd Harcourt. I was thinking of the two when I made this icon. I coloured Hyuga in purple because it was almost like looking at him through Sigurd's perspective. And I don't think Hyuga could hide anything from Sigurd. Either willfully or unknowingly. And even if one disbelieves that such a relationship between them existed. Canon maintains that they -were- best friends.
12.) Citan and his daughter, Midori. It is involving his 'child' and well Midori is a very sullen girl so I used the words 'sour girl'.
13.) Main inspiration for this song was "Hold on Hope" by Guided by Voices. I particularly like how it looks very.. pink and reds. I hope I can diverge from the greens that is sort of the Uzuki staple.
14.) I wanted to do a Fei/Citan centric icon, and this was what came out. The blues and greens mingle very well for that particular pairing.
15.) This was taken from a Loreena McKennitt song entitled "Dark Night of the Soul" which was a really beautiful song by her.. the feel of the song and the icon sort of coincide. Hyuga in my mind possesses melancholic tendancies, but only because I have labeled him as a melancholy personality.. Citan.. well Citan Uzuki was the personage that he -created- for himself.
16.) The song, "Beloved" by VNV Nation. Wonderful song. Lyric brush by milkmoon
17.) Hyuga Ricdeau back in Jugend period was the Element of Water. And so this theme was perfect for him, I think it came out exactly how I wanted it to.
18.) What is the most important time of the day for Citan Uzuki? Why it is tea-time of course. Every since that infamous scene where Maison, Citan and Fei have a chat over tea (Well okay so Fei is sulking..) Tea and the Good Doctor has been synonymous. In fact on Soraya Saga's site at one time there was posted scents and characters. And wouldn't you know it but Citan Uzuki's trademark scent is green tea. A wonderfully calming scent for an elegant and refined individual.
19.) Mad arts skillz by fellow Citan enthusiast reynardfox. I never pegged Citan as a smoker, but I believe that this picture conveys despair Citan style. Arm over eyes shows that he is reluctant to let anyone see.. but I can imagine the eyes that are revealed if one pulls the arm away is nothing short of tortured.
20.) I was agonizing what to do with this icon. As those two are my supported pairings for Hyuga/Citan. I did not want to leave one without the other, so I opted to give Hyuga and Citan both face-time on the icon. Respectively with Fei and Sigurd. So there. All canon-fags can talk to my hand because it's not like I'm bashing Yui. (Who I'd so totally do..)

21.) This one came from the song, "Hungry like the Wolf" by Duran Duran which is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the term 'animal'. Hey, what can I say? I have a dirty mind. >.> This is actually the second revising of the icon since I was not happy with the first version.
22.) I wanted a kick-ass icon for Citan. One that gave you the impression that he was planning something spectacular. Hence this icon, the words "feeling lucky, punk?" went through my mind but then Citan muse told he he wouldn't -use- the word punk. It's a very nice icon, I think.
23.) I was listening to my favorite sensual song, Anngun's "My Sensual Mind" because the key to Hyuga's sensuality is his mind, and the mind is the most powerful aphrodesiac. This is the type of ambient get-in-the-mood music that Hyuga would listen to. The tribal beats that are refined without losing their rawness.
24.) Gee, I really liked how this one, thank gods for the erase brush opacity tool. I just erased enough so that his face could be visible.. and then I just added the words and the little coloured bubbles here and there. It's a very ethereal icon. A beautiful icon for the 'beauty' theme.
25.) I like this picture of Citan quite a bit. He almost looks a trifle sardonic and I appreciate sardony, alot. The original picture had some inconsistancies so I smoothed out his face, and then I added the background. I did not layer it with any textures because I wanted it to be very simple.
26.) When faced with this icon, I was going for sceptism, because there just wasn't any pictures of Citan reading to his daughter. Citan is not so naive so I wanted to bank on that trait of his.
27.) This is actual a very loose representation of the theme, taken from VNV Nation's Beloved, the part of the song that inspired it was not the chosen lyrics, but rather "We were once young and blessed with wings" and of course it carries overtones of Sigurd/Hyuga. I thought Winter Dances Here was a suitable set of lyrics. But notice that Hyuga has wings.. wings = fly.. >.> Usually.
28.) Sappy/wAFFY Citan/Fei icon AHOY!
29.) In that picture, Citan looked like he got done facing thousands of Wels in complete succession, the expression implies that he's been through hellish danger. I like how the reds turned out, as reds are just the universal colour for danger.
30.) I thought this was going to be hard, but that was me making a mountain out of a molehill. I forgot that in "Small of Two Pieces", the Xenogears image song.. there is a phrase that says, "We can run to the end of the world" and so I capitalized on that, not to mention I had a doujinshi of Citan/Hyuga wearing typical Dazil garb, a hooded cloak to keep out the sun's rays, I can imagine that the desert would be -very- foreign to him..

31.) Anyone going to argue that Hyuga and Sigurd were best friends in Jugend. Good, I didn't think so.
32.) Okay so I know, had I done it properly it would of been "do not hate me because I am cute" but we can blame my ineptitude at text brushes for that one.
33.) It is a well known fact that the Jugend Era was perhaps the darkest time of Hyuga's life. Though it seemed quite okay on the surface, but the Elements in the end were arift in disillusionment, a betrayal of one's ideals. So the text brush "brotherhood and betrayal" seemed quite fitting. I am actually in love with how that icon came out.
34.) The Sky, The Clouds and You is actually a music piece from Yasunori Mitsuda that is known as ChuChu's song. But I thought the phrase was a very nice phrase to put on it. The Full version of the picture is him hovered up with angel wings while a breeze caresses him. A really sweet picture.
35.) Haunted, well this one sort of came out of my ass.. and it shows to. I just threw it together because I was eager to make an update. However to be fair I like it better then I like the previous one.
36.) Because Citan Uzuki -is- better then you.
37.) Yes, a waffy het icon from the purveyor of all things Citan/Fei and Hyuga/Sigurd. Because you know it -is- canon and really Yui is a sexy beast.
38.) I don't know where this came from, I might of been drunk. I was just toying with gradients and textures and then I went "GOOD ENOUGH!"
39.) This one was a bit hard.. but the inspiration for it was the song "Hit me with your Best Shot" which has to do with guns and bang bang.. except it's all metaphorical. And Citan has on his face the whole look. "I DARE YOU".
40.) The final one came with inspiration from a song off the Time and Space: A Tribute to Yasunori Mitsuda album, but ironically it is not a song on the Xeno side but rather the Chrono side. It is Kidd's Theme from Chrono Cross. But it is such a very beautiful song and it inspires a feeling of thoughtfulness. Because you know every thought is a journey in itself... that is probably from the Citan/Hyuga school of thought.
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