I often blog when I'm not at home

Dec 06, 2009 20:57

I'm visiting New York right now, and yesterday was the Brooklyn Comics Festival in NYC. What a show! It was put on by Gabe of Desert Island Comics and the fine folks of Picture Box. I briefly squatted a table next to Julia Wertz and Lisa Hanawalt, and got to meet all kinds of exciting cartoonists, like Ken Dahl, Domitille Collardey (who started Chicou Chicou which I started reading in France, and whose work I LOVE, but I didn't realize at the moment because Chicou is a group project and for some reason I never followed each of the individual cartoonists' work and thought I couldn't get any of their stuff over here). If you read French I really recommend checking the comic out, and even if you don't, the way they play with the form of comics for the internet is really exciting! It was inspiration for my 24 Hour Comic. I also met Frank Santoro, who is really an all around nice guy, and is infectiously excited about the Golden Proportion in Asterios Polyp and comics and art in general.

After the Comics Fest I went to the Death By Audio show on my lonesome. Talked to a few folks about working and living in New York, and really liked Sam Gas Can. Stayed out way too late with my friend Maya who is also visiting the city from California. Today after recovering from last night, we visited PS1, and I was thoroughly impressed by the soda pop based installation by Alex Da Corte and the plexiglass and thread installation by David Altmejd. Check that here. I was also really into the swimming pool! It was all really exciting. I'm enjoying New York. Tomorrow I head to White River Junction to see the Center for Cartoon Studies and will be crashing with Jen Vaughn.

Wow, that's a lot of links! Enjoy! It's been a while since I blogged anything and I'm going to try to draw a bit.
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