1) I tend to make some very long entries, which, of course, I do LJ cut so I won't screw up my friends' friends page..but yes, my entries do tend to be pretty long, so keep that in mind if you have a short attention span or don't have the time to read long entries.
2) Reading my journal isn't like reading the National Inquirer or watching a soap opera. It contains nothing like some exciting, thrill-story or some juicy, gossip get-together. I am bedridden and have been bedridden and homebound for quite awhile now, so you won't hear any stories of adventurous joyrides or "what happened to me when I went to so-and-so's!" unless I was in the hospital. I'm just giving you a bit of a description of what my journal entails, which is mostly my thoughts on different topics and also rants/vents at any random time that something vent-worthy happens. I don't exactly think that my journal is horribly boring, but it's also not an average journal where people post about the many different happenings of their daily lives.
3) I am a very opinionated person and I also consider myself to be pretty open-minded. I don't consider myself to be liberal or conservative, however, I do hold some unpopular beliefs regarding abortion, homosexual marriage and pre-marital sex, which are issues. I will not judge people who live or believe differently than I do - I certainly don't have the right to cast any stones, and just because someone may disagree with me on all of the above subjects (and more) doesn't mean that they wouldn't turn out to be a great friend of mine. All I ask is that you respect my beliefs and I will respect yours. Most of my friends that are on my list have different views that I do on all three of the above subjects, but we still mutually respect each other's views and feelings. Differences are what makes the world go 'round and I think that a lot of people could meet and befriend some pretty great people if they'd open their minds up a bit and realize that not everyone is going to live or believe the way that they want them to.
4) This is my journal. Mine. I will not change what I want to write about for anyone else, because this is my turf. I will say whatever I want to say in my journal. I will post how I feel about different things. I will vent about certain things. Many of these things have to do with medical issues, since I do have a terminal illness and 15 other diagnosed disorders to contend with. Just as I appreciate my friends putting their content relating to their sex lives behind an LJ cut (Recall, I'm asexual and I don't particularly like hearing about someone's sex life/sexual problems.), I will extend the same courtesy (an LJ cut and prior warning of graphic material) if someone gets easily grossed out by reading/seeing graphic content/photos relating to different health problems - all ya gotta do is let me know ahead of time.
5) One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone unfriends you and they won't even tell you why they've done so. I think that it's mean, hurtful and disrespectful, especially if you knew/were getting to know someone and then they unfriend you out of the clear blue, then refuse to tell you what you did wrong. I know that not everyone is going to get along, or have the same interests, or become friends, but I think that everyone, regardless of whoever they are, deserves at least a short explanation of why they've been unfriended.
PS: I don't mind friendly, civil discussions in my journal, but I will NOT allow someone being hateful or disrespectful to me or anyone else in my journal. My journal is not a debate board, either. If you are arguing with someone else in my journal, then you need to take it to email. If you get mad or upset at me over something that's in my journal, then please
email me. Please don't start anything in the comments section, be it against me or anyone else.
So yep, this pretty much sums up what I want people to know about my journal and myself before they'd consider friending me. I don't allow comments in my journal from people who aren't my friends, so if you'd like for me to friend you, then
email me and we'll go from there