Apr 17, 2006 12:49
So.. After -7- Years of being tied up within the Y!Messenger Drama, I have finally Uninstalled it. It took alot for me to do this, hence me leaving many friends behind, but I needed to do it.
It was -very- unhealthy for me.
Made me depressed.. constantly.
So, its a new day. And its brighter.
No more drama. <3
Other than that. I think things will be okay. Though the scars will remain. xP
Let's see.. I have an Interview with my Church's Daycare on Wednesday. I -pray- I will get this job, so I can be AWAY from Fast Food.
I love children, so maybe they will give me the job? Lol.
Hmn.. This weekend im headed down to Georgia to see my first love. Teague.
Never met him. So this will be interesting.
Cant wait though! <3
-Will Upload Pics and show.-
Anyhow, Im headed out to get my Paycheck and to get things settled with the bank. (They sent me a letter saying I overdrew. Tsk. When really I should still have 8.75 still left in there. Oh well.)
Still havent gotten KH2 yet, Ive heard alot about it. But I will -eventually- get it. =P
Other than that... Everythings going -okay-.
Just got home from a family Camping trip, my shoulders are sunburnt like -crazy-. Im totally in pain.
But um.. I hope everyone had a Good Easter!