*is very sad*

Jul 29, 2008 23:08

Fandom, why?

I should be sleeping right now.  I have to be up in 5 hours, but I'm disturbed.  Fandom is once again wounded and bleeding like it had a date with hell hounds and it bothers me.  I usually stay out of this stuff.  Most of the time, nothing of value can be added by one more person speaking of wank so I resist the urge.  I suspect some will get mad at me and that's ok.  At least tell me and we're cool.  I am not making this public either.  I'm not adding to the wank.  This is between me and my f-list and I trust you all to respect that and keep it that way.

I don't blame Jensen one bit for what he did.  For starters, I can almost bet you that it wasn't his idea anyway.  His management probably said, "hey we think this is a problem" and he most likely said, "ok".  But even if he was the one who marched into his management office and said, "Take these bitches down" he has every right to do that.  He has every right to be hurt and offended by something that involves him personally.  He is a person.  This is where the people involved take a step back and have some class and say, "We never meant any harm and we're sorry it was hurtful and offensive. Kiss and make up? *wiggles eyebrows*"   Ok, maybe the last part is pushing it.  ;)

For legal action to be taken in order to bring down a comm and a website then it must have really hurt and offended.  I was never in that comm.  I looked at the profile once, was immediately more uncomfortable than any fic or art has ever made me.   It crossed a line and I prayed to God that Jensen would never see it.  I know for a fact that Jensen once saw something from that comm and was very hurt by it.  The person who saw this happen was at a complete loss for words, or excuses or any means of making it better or defending her fandom.  That is unfortunate.  I don't really know what the intentions were of the people who created it.  I don't doubt that they are fans of Jensen and that they love him very much or that they are honestly hurt by what happened, but c'mon.  If you love Jensen as much as you say you do, why wouldn't you be willing to accept that he was bothered by it?

Somewhere amidst all of this bullshit, I saw a comment where someone mentioned the fact that celebrities have every right to defend themselves when people write crap about them - any kind of crap, real or fictitious.  Get where I'm going with that?  These guys, Eric and everyone involved with that show put up with everything this fandom does.  Why?  Probably because most of the time, we do them proud!  C'mon, you have to admit, we have a kick-ass creative fandom!  We've seen them be touched by something given to them or told to them. Hell, I personally watched Jared choke up over a fan painting of his dogs for god's sake!  But even the questionable stuff, not only do they put up with it - here's the kicker - they actually encourage it and dare I say, appreciate it.  We all watch them roll their eyes at fanfic, but they have never once actually complained. Maybe I'm being a hypocrite because I don my tinhat and I read and write fic and all of that which could potentially be offensive too.  They haven't yet said it is, but it could be.  It would make me sad, but I have always told myself that if at any point any of them were to say, "We don't like this, please stop" then I would.  Its their right.  They put up with all of the batshit craziness that we bring, they indulge us and encourage us and they enjoy it for the most part - do we really want to make them regret that?

I know I have people on my f-list who were members of that comm and supported it.  That never bothered me.  Its your thing, your kinks, your whatever floats your boat.  What would bother me is if you can't respect the fact that Jensen was bothered by it and that should end the story right there, freedom of speech does not apply here.  I know people on my f-list well enough to know you beyond one little thing about you.  I know one person on my f-list in particular (and hopefully she knows I'm referring to her) who was part of that comm but who would move heaven and earth and descend into the depths of hell for anything that would make Jensen happy or to kick the collective asses of anyone who hurt him.  While I admit that confuses me, I know her heart.  On LJ, we all must live by the motto of mutual respect and live and let live.  Whether you like to think so or not, that motto does not apply to the boys' right to be *gasp* PEOPLE with FEELINGS.

I know people are hurt by this turn of events and as always fandom will implode a little and more people will be hurt and defriended, some will leave, some will join and all of the usual nonsense that comes with wank.  I know some people think Jensen went overboard.  I know some people want to "fight the injustice".  But please, for one minute consider Jensen's feelings here.  Remember that he is a person.  As much as we look at him and say how perfect and beautiful he is and practically elevate him to god status, he's just a person with the same feelings and yes, even insecurities as the rest of us.

I'm sorry if anyone is upset by my opinion, but I felt the need to share it on this one.  I love my fandom and I love the boys.  I'll defend either one tooth and nail when the situation arises.  If that makes me a crazy fangirl, well, I'll wear my brand proudly.  And I don't know that we can really blame this one on hiatus, but hang on my darling babies, it will be over soon.

I'm screening comments so you can feel free and open to blast me or agree with me without repercussions.  I won't mind.  No, seriously.  I won't.  We can disagree and still be friends.

And as much as I don't want to lose anyone...feel free to defriend at will.

Really must sleep now.  I'll look forward to your hugs and curses in the morning.  :-)

wank, fandom, jensen

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