Holy crap. Everytime I'm away from LJ for a bit and then finally get to spend some time on it, my brain gos all esplodey with wanting to do all this STUFF and read all this STUFF and comment on this STUFF! Christ, I'm disorganized.
HI!!!!!!! *waves* What's up, guys??
Anyway - fair warning - I have the evening to myself (THANKGODTHANKGODTHANKGOD - PEACE AND QUIET!!!), my laptop and a bottle of wine. If you get random comments from me about something from like 62 years ago, don't be alarmed! Lol.
Btw, has anyone seen
Post Grad with Alexis Bledel and Zach Gilford? I watched it this afternoon. DON'T JUDGE ME! I know some of you have CRY WOLF in your libraries!!!! You know who you are! Anyway, it was...interesting. I'm sorry. I know this might get me shunned - SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!! - but I like Alexis. And Zach is just...well...adorkable. Point being - it wasn't that bad. It was a typical, predictable kind of "feel-good" movie that made me bawl my head off. Then again, Kleenex commercials make me do that so I'm no meter to gauge that. I have no idea what my point is for even mentioning that. IDEK.
OH!!! And can I just say -
EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! I thought I might just pull a muscle laughing at a lot of it. Of course, then the hysterical funny was...you know...not. But the episode as a whole was absolutely brilliant!!!! I expect to see The Trickster...excuse me...THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL OMG...back at some point. Y/Y/MFY??? Wait! Don't spoil me if you know something! I've been doing a good enough job spoiling myself this season but I keep trying not to!
Non-slashy friends: Lookie over there *points* for a minute!!
The rest of you - I need Dean/Car!Sam fic where Sam likes Dean uh...with his hands in the trunk...pretty much right the hell now!! Anyone got some? I mean OMG they KNIGHTRIDERified (totally a word!) the Metallicar and put Sam inside!!!!!!! *omg dies* Oh, and Dean totally has fantasies about Dr. Sexy and Sam is jealous. Just sayin'.
Ok, I'm off to go do, like, LJ stuff. I imagine I'll be back here once or twice or six times before the night is over. :-)