Nov 01, 2006 22:39
Today was all saint's day and we got out of school. That was nice because that meant that I got to stay up past my bed time last night for a haloween party. I was a pumpkin. I took some of the extra time I had today to post some more pictures so I will say a little bit about them. Nuit Blanche happened a few weeks ago. It means white night literally. So what happens is a lot of places in the city stay open until 6 or so in the morning including portions of the metro and artists make installations in different neighborhoods. It was a good time. FIAC: I'm not really sure what it stands for but it is one of the biggest contemporary art exhibitions that comes to France. There were works from the early 1900s to present. It is only open for a weekend and happens in the Grand Palais and a Portion of the Louvre. I only went to the Grand Palais. There were more things there and after 4 hours of looking at contemporary art I was ready to go home. Salon du Chocolat: 12 euro entry. There are some chocolate competitions and a demonstration but basically it is a large ensemble of chocolate makers selling chocolate. Thankfully they give out a lot of free samples. I definetly got my 12 euros worth considering the prices of what they were selling. Overall things are getting a lot more hectic with school. Midterm projects are due and I have a 1,000 word essay to do every week for History, Theory, and Criticism.