Technology hates me

Nov 10, 2008 14:37

The interwebs went down over an hour today, despite my attempts to resuscitate it.  Then I decided to get off my lazy ass for once and try the whole exercise thing again.  I bought a workout DVD yesterday.  Put it in the DVD player in our office/detritus room.  No sound because I must have hooked it up incorrectly awhile ago.  Grrrr.  Put it in the Blu-Ray player in the living room.  Works fine for about 5 minutes, then starts stuttering, randomly pausing, and/or fast forwarding.  Pushing play button does nothing, nor does fast forward or rewind.  Pushed stop, which works.  Restarting it at the same point works for another 3 minutes, then it does the same shit all over again.  More grrrr.  I can't win.

Ahh well.  At least I got in about 10 minutes, which is more than I can say for the last 2 months.  I suck.
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