
Jul 28, 2008 10:37

Drove down to Florida with Isaac and Angie, left a week ago Friday.  Drive was long, but not as bad as I expected.  Got there early Saturday evening, grabbed dinner, went to see The Dark Knight.  I don't think I need to tell anyone here how damn good that movie was.  Sunday we slept in, got breakfast, went grocery/liquor shopping (hotel was a timeshare with a full kitchen), lounged in the pool, then went to a gangster-themed dinner show, which was pretty good.

On Monday we went to Sea World.  Lots of animals- dolphin show, sea lion show, penguins, sting rays...  I got to feed some dolphins and sea lions too, which was pretty cool.  Ate lunch out of the cooler we packed in the car.  Took a shuttle to Aquatica, Sea World's waterpark.  We were there for maybe an hour, then it started storming and everyone had to leave the water.  We waited around awhile, hoping it would clear up, then decided to go home.  Of course once we were almost back on the shuttle they announced the rides were open again.  Oh well.  The park was cool and had 1 or 2 rides that were different, but otherwise Noah's Ark was far superior.  Bigger, more rides, and better rides.  Suck it, Orlando!

Tuesday we had the same itinerary- Sea World then Aquatica.  Saw the Shamu show, baby dolphins, everything else we hadn't seen on Monday.  Then it started pouring, and didn't stop til it was too late to make sense going to the water park.  Oh well, as aforementioned we can always go to Noah's Ark.  My new sandals started rubbing against my feet in 1 spot, leaving me bleeding there.  Ow.

Wednesday we drove to Tampa to go snorkeling.  Took a boat ride to an island that was a state park.   What they failed to mention on the phone when making reservations was that due to the hurricane further south, there was a swell.  That equals lots of waves on the side of the island facing the Gulf, and the water was too cloudy to actually see anything.  So while we had fun splashing in the waves, the snorkeling sucked.  Had we known that, we would've gone to Daytona or Clearwater Beach.  Oh well.  This was the day we all (except Isaac, that tan bastard) got sunburned despite the sunblock.  Although in my case, the sunblock was not sufficiently applied.  I burned my abdomen (owowowowowow), chest/top of my breasts, the sides of my hips near the leg opening of my swimsuit, my shoulders above my previously existing farmer tan, and my calves, and merely tanned everywhere else.  I also wore a pair of flip flops since my other sandals had made sores on my feet.  However, the strap part of it was so stiff that they cut my feet too, even worse than the other pair of sandals.  I remembered too late that I was going to throw out those flip flops for that very reason.

Thursday was Island of Adventure.  Spiderman ride was awesome and definitely my highlight of the park.  Got some geeky tshirts on Marvel Island.  Went on other rides, but I'm not a fan of the scary rollercoasters, and we discovered that Jesse is too tall and broad-shouldered to fit in some of the coaster restraints (the ones that go over your shoulders).  So after we went home for lunch, Jesse and I decided not to go back with Isaac and Angie.  I was wearing the flip flops again (I had only brought those 2 pairs of shoes along) and now had a pair of pretty damn big wounds on my feet, and it hurt a lot, which also contributed to our staying home.  we had some nice alone-time, ordered pizza, went in the pool.  Then, however, some kid took a dump in the pool so it was shut down for the night.  Grrrr. Played some games inside once the other 2 got back.

On Friday we went to Animal Kingdom, which was also fun.  Jesse and Isaac convinced me to go on a Mt Everest roller coaster.  I spent half of it with eyes closed and/or buried in Jesse's arm with a deathgrip.  We saw our picture coming over the big drop (which ended up being not as big as I had feared, that's the scary part for me on coasters) and you couldn't even see my face because I was hiding.  :)   I'm such a pussy sometimes.  Although I realized afterwards that it was actually really fun, and we went on it 2 more times near closing time when the line was really short.  By the third time, I had my eyes open the whole time and even had my hands up in the air.  Go me!  Got wasted Friday night because we had to drink up most of the liquor.  Probably the last time I will drink in a very long time, so I made sure it counted.  :)   Games, talking, 1 am dip in the pool, it was excellent.

Left Saturday morning and got home yesterday around 7:15 am.  Said goodbye to Isaac and Angie, and promptly fell asleep for 5 hours.  All in all it was a great vacation.  I like Angie more and more- she's pretty awesome.  Wahoo!
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